#riph #pinball #league
Thursday March 27th
Pinball meet up the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 7pm! Free to join!! Thursday, March 27th!
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
2025-03-27 19:00:002025-03-27 21:00:00America/Chicago#riph #pinball #leaguePinball meet up the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 7pm! Free to join!! Thursday, March 27th!Rock Island Public HouseRock Island Public House
Sips, Spins, & Sisterhood
Friday March 28th
We're celebrating women tonight; weather it's behind the bar, making the beer, or spinning the records, it's all about the ladies! #womeninbeer #grrrlpower #ladiesnight #womenownedbusiness
08:00 PM - 01:00 AM
2025-03-28 20:00:002025-03-28 01:00:00America/ChicagoSips, Spins, & SisterhoodWe're celebrating women tonight; weather it's behind the bar, making the beer, or spinning the records, it's all about the ladies! #womeninbeer #grrrlpower #ladiesnight #womenownedbusinessRock Island Public HouseRock Island Public House
Pinewood Derby
Sunday March 30th
Pinewood Derby is back on March 30th! Registration begins at 3pm with races starting at 5pm!
04:00 PM - 08:00 PM
2025-03-30 16:00:002025-03-30 20:00:00America/ChicagoPinewood DerbyPinewood Derby is back on March 30th! Registration begins at 3pm with races starting at 5pm! Rock Island Public HouseRock Island Public House
Wednesday April 2nd
Free general trivia the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm! Prizes for the top 3 teams! Wednesday, April 2nd!
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
2025-04-02 19:00:002025-04-02 21:00:00America/ChicagoTrivia!Free general trivia the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm! Prizes for the top 3 teams! Wednesday, April 2nd!Rock Island Public HouseRock Island Public House
Dusty Sparkles' Spectacular Soundhouse
Friday April 11th
We're excited to welcome @spectacularsoundhouse to the bar spinning vinyl all night long! Let's give a warm southside welcome! Friday, April 11th at 8pm! NO COVER!
08:00 PM - 12:00 AM
2025-04-11 20:00:002025-04-11 00:00:00America/ChicagoDusty Sparkles' Spectacular SoundhouseWe're excited to welcome @spectacularsoundhouse to the bar spinning vinyl all night long! Let's give a warm southside welcome! Friday, April 11th at 8pm! NO COVER! Rock Island Public HouseRock Island Public House